Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Blue Exorcist Manga Summary and Review (Volumes 1-11)

Blue exorcist is standard fare as far as manga goes, but it's the story's execution rather than originality that makes it memorable. Let me give a few examples.
So the story begins with our protagonist Rin finds out that demons exist in his world (unseen by most people) and that he is the son of Satan. Before he can properly process the information his father figure, father Fujimoto, is possessed by Satan and dies. Rin, understandably upset over what has happened vows revenge. So already we have a few tropes at work here. We have the protagonist finding out about an previously unknown supernatural aspect of his world. We have the struggle he feels between his demonic heritance and his good nature. And we have the death of a family member starting the character's quest for revenge. What makes this work though is how damn well it's actually pulled of. In the short amount of time we get to see father Fujimoto we instantly connect because the character is so likeable and even after his death we get several flashbacks throughout the story fleshing out his character more and making it so the sadness of his passing keeps hitting the reader.
After the initial chapter setting the story up, Rin joins the true cross academy an organization dedicated to fighting demons run by the enigmatic Mephisto. There Rin meets and befriends several other students training to be students as well as his twin brother who turns out to be his instructor and who it turns out knew about demons the whole time. The majority of the first four novels deal with introducing the characters and the class's progress towards becoming exorcists. I've arranged a brief character roster below.
Left to right (front row): Yukio, Rin and Shiemi.
Left to right (back row): Konekomaru, Shura, Izumo, Suguro, Mephisto and Shima.
Rin Okumara-hot headed and stubborn. He doesn't always think things through and he isn't the smartest but his heart's in the right place. In other words he's just like every shonen protagonist ever.
Yukio Okumara-Rin's twin brother who didn't inherit Satan's powers. Unlike Rin he is hardworking and studious. The dynamic between him and his brother is one of the best aspects of the series hands down. Their relationship feels very real and genuine in part, because they don't always get along. Despite this there is a strong sense that both would be willing to do anything to keep the other safe.
Shiemi- The ditzy love interest character. Completely useless damsel in distress that Rin has to save over and over again. Needless to say she's one of the less interesting characters.
Ryuji-Similar to Rin in temperament only not as foolish.
Renzo-Comic relief
Konekomaru-stereotypical nerd
Izumo- Token Tsundere
Shura-Boobies Mcfanservice
Mephisto-Mysterious demon who runs the academy and whose motivates aren't completely clear.

At the end of the fourth volume Rin's secret (that he is the son of Satan) is revealed and his friends are shocked. The next volume sets up the first real arc in the manga. That of the impure king. And it's one of the few sections I have a couple of gripes with. So someone steals one eye of the impure king (and an attempt is made on the other). We get introduced to a new villain and the students, now exwires, are sent to a temple where the second eye is guarded. This also happens to be the place where Ryuji, Renzo, and Konekomaru's families live, introducing us to a new source of conflict. My problem with this arc is that there's way too much going on at once. We get introduced to a whole slew of new characters. We have a new set of conflicts and we see all the characters struggling to deal with the knowledge that Rin is the son of Satan. With emotions ranging from anger and hostility to outright fear there's a good deal of emotional turmoil along with all this new information the reader is given. Thankfully by the next volume the story smooths out and there's actually a good deal of tension as it is revealed that their may be a traitor in the midst and that Ryuji's father is keeping secrets. Eventually the arc ends in a giant fight and is, for the most part, resolved. We're then introduced to another weak point in the story a short pointless arc dealing with a Kraken demon. The only saving grace here is a good deal of conflict between the Okumara brothers and the introduction of Yukio's insecurities and self doubt which made for some interesting segments in an otherwise dull conflict.

After this the students return to the academy. We get to see Yukio continue to struggle with his own personal issues and Mephisto finally has a good deal of time delving a little bit into what makes him tick. These are without a doubt the highlights of the arc. We also get introduced to a new threat (an expanding portal to the demon world). Rin and his friends have to deal with several demons (the seven mysteries of true cross academy) my least favorite segments in the series so far. And the eleventh volume ends with a bit of suspense that I won't ruin for those of you who haven't gotten that far.

In short I've enjoyed what I've read of the series so far. It's not perfect but the characters are well developed and the story seems to have a bit more restraint than most shonen choosing storytelling over mindless action most of the time. The components that make it up may be familiar but it's well executed and enjoyable. I have a few gripes here and there but they're relatively minor. For the most part it's a fun read and I'm excited to see where the story goes from here.